Gilead’s HIV sales hit $4.7B in Q3, first six-month PrEP approval planned in 2025

Gilead says it’s gain­ing clin­i­cal mo­men­tum with plans to grow its HIV fran­chise and nab an ap­proval for an every-six-month pre-ex­po­sure pro­phy­lax­is (PrEP) ap­proval.

Gilead’s third-quar­ter rev­enue to­tal of $7.1 bil­lion was dri­ven by in­creased sales in HIV and on­col­o­gy, the com­pa­ny said. In HIV prod­ucts alone, Gilead pulled in $4.7 bil­lion in the third quar­ter, a 4% in­crease from the same pe­ri­od last year. The com­pa­ny at­trib­uted it to high­er de­mand and chan­nel in­ven­to­ry dy­nam­ics.

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