Gilead’s rare liver disease drug improves symptoms in another Phase 3 study ahead of FDA decision

Gilead re­port­ed more pos­i­tive da­ta over the week­end from its rare liv­er dis­ease drug can­di­date se­ladel­par, which it got when it snapped up CymaBay for $4.3 bil­lion ear­li­er this year.

In­ter­im re­sults from the open-la­bel Phase 3 AS­SURE study showed that the drug im­proved bio­mark­ers in pri­ma­ry bil­iary cholan­gi­tis, a rare chron­ic au­toim­mune dis­ease that most­ly af­fects women and even­tu­al­ly de­stroys the body’s bile ducts, with fa­tigue and itch­ing as ear­ly signs.

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