Glenmark, Alphamab deal worth up to $700M; Tourmaline’s $150M offering; Repare records $40M milestone

Plus, news about Ve­ra Ther­a­peu­tics and Cel­lec­tar Bio­sciences:

Al­pham­ab On­col­o­gy, Glen­mark ink li­cens­ing deal: Per the agree­ment, Glen­mark will spend up to $700.8 mil­lion in up­front and mile­stone pay­ments to de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize Al­pham­ab’s PD-LI in sev­er­al re­gions, in­clud­ing In­dia and the Mid­dle East. — Jaimy Lee

Tour­ma­line Bio’s $150M of­fer­ing: The biotech is sell­ing about 4.6 mil­lion shares, at $32.50 each. Back in June, Tour­ma­line’s re­verse merg­er with Ta­laris Ther­a­peu­tics put the com­pa­ny on the Nas­daq. It’s plan­ning to put its sub­cu­ta­neous TOUR006, which goes af­ter in­ter­leukin-6, in­to a piv­otal tri­al for thy­roid eye dis­ease this year. — Jaimy Lee

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