GLP-1 gene therapy triggers 25% weight loss in obese mice, clinical trials planned for next year

One of the biggest prob­lems fac­ing the bur­geon­ing class of weight loss drugs is that peo­ple must take them day af­ter day, week af­ter week. When the in­jec­tions of semaglu­tide — the in­gre­di­ent in Ozem­pic and We­govy — stop com­ing, so do the ben­e­fits. Lost weight is re­gained.

But re­searchers at Fractyl Health, a Lex­ing­ton, MA-based biotech, be­lieve they have a so­lu­tion to that prob­lem: a one-time gene ther­a­py in­ject­ed in­to the pan­creas that lets the body make its own GLP-1 ag­o­nists in per­pe­tu­ity.

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