GSK boosts low-carbon inhaler development with PhIII trials, investment in French manufacturing facility 

GSK is tak­ing the next steps to de­vel­op a low-car­bon al­ter­na­tive to its me­tered dose in­haler (MDI), Ven­tolin, through be­gin­ning Phase III clin­i­cal tri­als next year as well as in­vest­ing in a man­u­fac­tur­ing site in Évreux, France.

An­nounced ahead of COP28, the UN cli­mate change con­fer­ence, start­ing Nov. 30, the phar­ma gi­ant said it’s look­ing to cut green­house emis­sions by re­duc­ing the car­bon foot­print of its Ven­tolin in­halers, used to treat or pre­vent bron­chospasm.

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