GSK doubles down on meningitis B awareness with new Lifetime documentary hosted by Soleil Moon Frye

Menin­gi­tis B is a rare but se­ri­ous, and some­times life-threat­en­ing, in­fec­tion, with more than half of US cas­es oc­cur­ring in teens and col­lege stu­dents. Still, on­ly about sev­en in 10 teens have re­ceived a MenB vac­ci­na­tion by age 17.

That’s why GSK is talk­ing to moms again with a new Life­time short film led by ac­tor, doc­u­men­tar­i­an and moth­er of four Soleil Moon Frye, who trav­els the US do­ing poignant in­ter­views with doc­tors, sur­vivors and ad­vo­cate moms of young adults and teens who died from the dis­ease. Frye’s long­time friend and ac­tor Melis­sa Joan Hart, who al­so has teen chil­dren, ap­pears in the film as well.

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