GSK joins Boehringer and AstraZeneca in capping out-of-pocket costs for inhalers

GSK will cap out-of-pock­et costs for its in­halers at $35, mak­ing it the third ma­jor drug­mak­er to agree to lim­it pa­tients’ spend­ing amid sig­nif­i­cant US po­lit­i­cal pres­sure over the price of com­mon­ly used med­ica­tions.

In to­tal, nine GSK prod­ucts will have their out-of-pock­et costs capped, ac­cord­ing to the UK com­pa­ny. In ad­di­tion, the whole­sale ac­qui­si­tion cost for Ad­vair Diskus has been re­duced by an av­er­age of 50% and Ad­vair HFA by an av­er­age of 20%.

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