GSK looks to authorized generic version of asthma treatment as Medicaid rebate caps lift next year

GSK is gear­ing up to dis­con­tin­ue the brand-name ver­sion of its asth­ma med­ica­tion Flovent, just as the Med­ic­aid re­bate cap is end­ing in Jan­u­ary 2024, push­ing some man­u­fac­tur­ers to change up what they’re do­ing to avoid steep re­bates.

GSK no­ti­fied the FDA ear­li­er this year that it would dis­con­tin­ue the com­pa­ny’s brands Flovent HFA and Flovent Diskus, pop­u­lar treat­ments for asth­ma. The com­pa­ny will in­stead of­fer au­tho­rized gener­ic ver­sions of the prod­ucts mov­ing for­ward. Au­tho­rized gener­ics are con­sid­ered by the FDA to be ex­act copies of the brand-name ver­sions, and they typ­i­cal­ly come with a low­er price tag.

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