GSK, Pfizer present key durability data for RSV shots, as CDC panel scrutinizes rival vaccines

GSK and Pfiz­er pro­vid­ed the first looks on Wednes­day at how long-last­ing pro­tec­tion from their res­pi­ra­to­ry syn­cy­tial virus vac­cines could be for old­er adults, pre­sent­ing new clin­i­cal da­ta in front of a Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion ad­vi­so­ry group.

Both re­vealed clin­i­cal da­ta that gen­er­al­ly showed a sin­gle dose of their vac­cines pro­tect­ing in­to a sec­ond sea­son, al­beit with some lev­el of wan­ing ef­fi­ca­cy, help­ing an­swer a key un­known for the shots. GSK’s da­ta, in par­tic­u­lar, sug­gest­ed a sin­gle dose pro­vides pro­tec­tion through two sea­sons and that a boost­er dose af­ter a year may not pro­vide ad­di­tion­al ben­e­fit.

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