GSK refreshes ‘Shingles doesn’t care’ campaign with focus on harder-to-reach groups

Shin­gles still doesn’t care in GSK’s re­newed cam­paign for its Shin­grix vac­cine. The ini­tial “Shin­gles Doesn’t Care” cam­paign, launched in 2020, showed ac­tive adults ages 50 and up hum­ble-brag­ging about their healthy ex­er­cise and eat­ing habits. A voiceover speak­ing the name of the cam­paign un­der­scored the fact the vari­cel­la zoster virus can re­ac­ti­vate in any­one who car­ries it — peo­ple who have had chick­en pox — re­gard­less of their health.

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