GSK settles another heartburn drug Zantac cancer case in California, doesn’t admit liability

GSK set­tled a Zan­tac can­cer case in Cal­i­for­nia state court, this time pay­ing out a con­fi­den­tial set­tle­ment and avoid­ing a Nov. 13 start date for the tri­al, the com­pa­ny said Wednes­day.

GSK al­so set­tled three re­main­ing bell­wether breast can­cer cas­es in Cal­i­for­nia, the on­ly state the com­pa­ny has set­tled in. It’s still in­volved in 3,100 cas­es in Cal­i­for­nia state court. There are al­so clus­ters of lit­i­ga­tion in oth­er states like Flori­da, though the largest num­ber of cas­es is in Delaware, with over 73,000 of them on­go­ing, ac­cord­ing to a GSK rep­re­sen­ta­tive.

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