GSK shoots for RSV label expansion in younger adults in Europe in race against Pfizer’s Abrysvo

GSK is seek­ing to make its RSV vac­cine the first avail­able in Eu­rope that pro­tects adults as young as 50 years old.

An ap­proval would open el­i­gi­bil­i­ty to younger adults, who are gen­er­al­ly at low­er risk for se­vere RSV but may have un­der­ly­ing con­di­tions that raise the threat. The cur­rent­ly avail­able vac­cines, in­clud­ing GSK’s Arexvy, are ap­proved for adults in the 60-and-old­er pop­u­la­tion. Pfiz­er’s Abrys­vo is al­so ap­proved to pro­tect new­borns, an­oth­er high-risk pop­u­la­tion.

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