GSK wins appeal to only pay AstraZeneca royalties on some sales of cancer drug Zejula

A pan­el of judges on the UK civ­il court of ap­peals agreed that GSK sub­sidiary Tesaro doesn’t have to pay roy­al­ties to As­traZeneca on to­tal sales of its ovar­i­an can­cer drug Ze­ju­la, over­turn­ing a pre­vi­ous rul­ing from 2023.

The new rul­ing means that GSK on­ly has to pay roy­al­ties on a sub­set of Ze­ju­la sales, which is a com­mer­cial­ly pos­i­tive turn for the com­pa­ny. The spe­cif­ic amount, how­ev­er, has yet to be de­cid­ed.

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