GSK’s newest social media campaign offers ‘reality check’ for lupus patients

GSK wants peo­ple liv­ing with lu­pus to be aware of the silent dan­ger of or­gan dam­age. Its lat­est so­cial me­dia cam­paign aims not on­ly to en­sure they’re aware of how se­ri­ous it can be, but al­so to help them un­der­stand that it can like­ly hap­pen to them.

About half of lu­pus pa­tients will have ir­re­versible or­gan dam­age with­in five years of di­ag­no­sis, said Bi­jal Gal­loway, a GSK se­nior di­rec­tor of mar­ket­ing. How­ev­er, GSK’s most re­cent re­search found that on­ly 23% of pa­tients with lu­pus be­lieve they’re per­son­al­ly at high risk for or­gan dam­age.

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