Health insurance giants Cigna and Humana reportedly in talks to merge

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Health­care in­sur­ance gi­ants Cigna and Hu­mana are in talks for a merg­er that could come to­geth­er by the end of this year, the Wall Street Jour­nal re­port­ed Wednes­day.

A com­bined Cigna and Hu­mana could bring about a mas­sive health­care com­pa­ny. Cigna, which clocked in at around $181 bil­lion in rev­enue last year, could pair its com­mer­cial in­sur­ance busi­ness with Hu­mana’s fo­cus on Medicare. Cigna was val­ued at around $83 bil­lion as of Wednes­day be­fore the news broke, WSJ re­port­ed, while Hu­mana was val­ued at around $62 bil­lion.

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