Health tech stands out as a top area for early-stage VC funding in Q3

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Health tech star­tups stood out as a top area for ear­ly-stage VC in­vest­ments in the third quar­ter even as fund­ing for the sec­tor as a whole has been lev­el­ing out.

Ven­ture firms in­vest­ed $3 bil­lion over 124 ear­ly-stage deals in the third quar­ter, a 73% drop in deal count from a peak in the be­gin­ning of 2022, ac­cord­ing to busi­ness da­ta com­pa­ny Pitch­Book’s Q3 2023 Emerg­ing Tech In­di­ca­tor re­port. The re­port tracks the ear­ly-stage in­vest­ment ac­tiv­i­ty of 15 top ven­ture cap­i­tal firms that ac­count for around 10% of to­tal ven­ture cap­i­tal in­vest­ment.

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