Health tech startups raised $2.7B last quarter. It’s the lowest Q1 total in five years

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Health tech’s strug­gles to raise mon­ey bled in­to the be­gin­ning of this year as in­vestors looked to make more deals, par­tic­u­lar­ly in AI, but in­vest­ed few­er dol­lars.

Star­tups raised $2.7 bil­lion across 133 deals, which marks the low­est to­tal raised in any first quar­ter since 2019, ac­cord­ing to dig­i­tal health re­search and ven­ture firm Rock Health. Over the past two years, the most well-fund­ed quar­ter of the year was the first quar­ter, the re­port not­ed. This could sig­nal the start of an even more dif­fi­cult year for star­tups to raise mon­ey as fund­ing lev­els out.

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