Hepalys to develop Inventiva’s NASH treatment; Everest licenses Kezar’s autoimmune drug

He­palys Phar­ma said Thurs­day it will de­vel­op and com­mer­cial­ize In­ven­ti­va’s non­al­co­holic steato­hep­ati­tis (NASH) treat­ment in Japan and South Ko­rea, pay­ing $10 mil­lion up­front and up to $231 mil­lion in mile­stones as well as roy­al­ties.

The drug, lan­i­fi­bra­nor, is cur­rent­ly in a Phase III tri­al.

Ever­est Med­i­cines li­cens­es Kezar’s au­toim­mune drug in Chi­na and oth­er re­gions in Asia

Chi­na-based Ever­est Med­i­cines is li­cens­ing Kezar Life Sci­ences’ ze­tomip­zomib, which is be­ing test­ed as a treat­ment for lu­pus nephri­tis, in Greater Chi­na, South Ko­rea, and some South­east Asian coun­tries.

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