HHS, vaccine makers prep for first-ever three-vaccine availability with Covid, flu and RSV ahead of peak viral season

Last fall’s virus triple­dem­ic is giv­ing way to this year’s three-vac­cine sea­son. And the De­part­ment of Health and Hu­man Ser­vices says it is pulling out all the stops to make sure as many Amer­i­cans who need them get Covid-19, flu and RSV im­mu­niza­tions this fall.

Mean­while, phar­ma vac­cine mak­ers are plot­ting their own mar­ket­ing and com­mu­ni­ca­tions strate­gies around Covid vac­cines.

A CDC of­fi­cial said the US is in its “strongest po­si­tion yet” with the vac­cines against the trio of virus­es that caus­es the ma­jor­i­ty of hos­pi­tal­iza­tions in the fall and win­ter, along with broad­er pro­tec­tive im­mu­ni­ty and test avail­abil­i­ty. The agency es­ti­mat­ed that 97% of peo­ple in the US aged 16 and old­er have Covid-19 pro­tec­tive im­mu­ni­ty through vac­ci­na­tion, in­fec­tion or both, but added that peo­ple still need up­dat­ed vac­cines for pro­tec­tion against new vari­ants, in­clud­ing the now-dom­i­nant strain EG.5 and al­so FL.1.5.1.

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