HHS’s Xavier Becerra, once an ‘invisible’ secretary, is racing to cement a clearer legacy

WASHINGTON — He’s been called the “invisible” secretary. So far removed from the White House sphere of influence that he’s rarely spotted there, even at health care events. Once, officials openly discussed who might be better for the job.

Now, however, health secretary Xavier Becerra is making inroads with the president’s closest advisers. After years on the outs with Susan Rice, Biden’s first domestic policy advisor, Becerra has weekly meetings with her replacement, Neera Tanden, people familiar with their discussions said. He also is speaking regularly with White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients, according to people who know his schedule.


The looming question is whether, with just a year left in Biden’s first and potentially only term, he’ll have enough time to put his official stamp on what was once considered one of the most consequential Cabinet positions.

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Marc Tessier-Lavigne steps down from Regeneron board

Marc Tessier-Lav­i­gne stepped down from Re­gen­eron’s board of di­rec­tors. The move comes af­ter he re­signed as Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty’s pres­i­dent fol­low­ing a sci­en­tif­ic mis­con­duct in­ves­ti­ga­tion. Re­gen­eron

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