HI-Bio outlines data that sparked $1.15B Biogen buyout

Days af­ter get­ting ac­quired by Bio­gen, Hu­man Im­munol­o­gy Bio­sciences re­vealed Phase 2 da­ta that helped seal the deal.

In the tri­al, which looked at the an­ti-CD38 an­ti­body felzartam­ab’s po­ten­tial to treat IgA nephropa­thy, pa­tients saw an av­er­age re­duc­tion in pro­tein urine lev­els of up to 50% af­ter two years, HI-Bio said Fri­day. Pa­tients re­ceived nine dos­es of the drug over the course of 24 weeks and saw eGFR lev­els sta­bi­lize, in­di­cat­ing nor­mal kid­ney func­tion.

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