Hims’ push into compounded GLP-1 drugs risks scrutiny from Novo Nordisk

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The dig­i­tal health com­pa­ny Hims & Hers has start­ed pre­scrib­ing a cheap­er, com­pound­ed ver­sion of a pop­u­lar GLP-1 weight loss drug, a move that ex­perts say could land the com­pa­ny in phar­ma com­pa­nies’ crosshairs.

Hims said Mon­day that it will of­fer com­pound­ed semaglu­tide, the ac­tive in­gre­di­ent in No­vo Nordisk’s di­a­betes drug Ozem­pic and obe­si­ty shot We­govy, months af­ter a sim­i­lar move by ri­val start­up Ro. Hims’ stock $HIMS rose near­ly 30% on the an­nounce­ment.

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