Ravinder Dhallan’s name is on key patents in noninvasive prenatal testing, a field that has reshaped screening for expectant mothers. But he was a minor figure in the $3.8 billion market.
Then, in 2020, his tiny company Ravgen filed litigation that accused rivals of copying its technology.
Over the last year, Ravgen has won settlements or lawsuits against some of the biggest names in testing. It was awarded $375.5 million from Laboratory Corporation of America, better known as Labcorp, after a jury verdict and a judge’s order for punitive damages. Other behemoths — Quest Diagnostics, PerkinElmer and Illumina — have settled for undisclosed sums. Litigation against Natera, Roche, Myriad and Biora is ongoing, though the defendants have argued that their methods were derived independently or with partners.
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