HIV cell therapy biotech Addimmune to go public via SPAC merger; WHO names new Covid-19 ‘variant of interest’

Ad­dim­mune, a biotech that is work­ing on a cell ther­a­py for HIV, an­nounced Wednes­day that it plans to merge with 10X Cap­i­tal Ven­ture’s SPAC to be­come a pub­lic com­pa­ny. The biotech in­tends to trade un­der the tick­er $HIV.

The merg­er val­ues Ad­dim­mune at about $500 mil­lion. Ad­dim­mune spun out of Amer­i­can Gene Tech­nolo­gies in June, tak­ing the ex­per­i­men­tal HIV ther­a­py with it. Jeff Galvin, who is CEO of Amer­i­can Gene Tech­nolo­gies, is al­so CEO of Ad­dim­mune.

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