Horizon debuts latest thyroid eye disease TV commercials as Amgen merger nears

“It’s not too late” is Hori­zon Ther­a­peu­tics’ lat­est pitch to peo­ple liv­ing with thy­roid eye dis­ease (TED). Two new TV com­mer­cials de­buted last month en­cour­age even those di­ag­nosed “a long, long time ago” that they could still be helped through treat­ments.

The ads sug­gest view­ers vis­it TED­help.com or Still­Treat­TED.com for more in­for­ma­tion, both of which take them to a land­ing page on the Te­pez­za web­site with re­cent pos­i­tive re­sults from its Phase IV study. Te­pez­za is Hori­zon’s block­buster IGF-1R in­hibitor drug ap­proved to treat TED in ear­ly 2020. Te­pez­za sales topped $850 mil­lion in the first half of 2023, af­ter pulling in more than $1.9 bil­lion in 2022, ac­cord­ing to da­ta re­port­ed by Hori­zon.

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