House Republicans threaten to subpoena FDA over Covid research documents

House Re­pub­li­cans on Thurs­day gave the FDA a fi­nal warn­ing to pro­duce doc­u­ments re­lat­ing to FDA-fund­ed Covid-19 re­search, which the law­mak­ers are con­cerned could pose risks to biosafe­ty and biose­cu­ri­ty.

The let­ter — penned by House En­er­gy and Com­merce Com­mit­tee Chair Cathy Mc­Mor­ris Rodgers (WA), health sub­com­mit­tee chair Brett Guthrie (KY) and over­sight sub­com­mit­tee chair Mor­gan Grif­fith (VA) — fol­lows up on a re­quest the En­er­gy and Com­merce Com­mit­tee sent in March, ask­ing the FDA for in­for­ma­tion on FDA-fund­ed re­search that ma­nip­u­lat­ed cer­tain virus­es, in­clud­ing SARS-CoV-2.

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