How Biocon Biologics is taking on the US biosimilars market

Bio­con Bi­o­log­ics is bet­ting big that it can be a top US biosim­i­lars com­pa­ny.

With its $3 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Vi­a­tris’ biosim­i­lar port­fo­lio last No­vem­ber now ful­ly in­te­grat­ed, Bio­con is ready­ing a more con­cert­ed com­mer­cial push.

It’s up against some 800-pound go­ril­las — the es­tab­lished and mar­ket­ing-savvy Big Phar­ma biosim­i­lar com­pa­nies like Am­gen, No­var­tis, Pfiz­er and Bio­gen. But Bio­con isn’t new to mar­ket­ing biosim­i­lars in the US, thanks to its 10-year part­ner­ship with Vi­a­tris. To­geth­er, they launched the first biosim­i­lar to Am­gen’s Neu­las­ta, Ful­phi­la (peg­fil­gras­tim), in 2018, fol­lowed by the first biosim­i­lar ri­val to Genen­tech block­buster Her­ceptin, called Ogivri (trastuzum­ab) in 2019.

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