How Eli Lilly is rolling out Zepbound, the weight loss drug that can ‘sell itself’

In stark con­trast to most new­ly ap­proved drugs, Eli Lil­ly’s Zep­bound for chron­ic weight man­age­ment needs lit­tle in­tro­duc­tion.

Thou­sands of me­dia sto­ries and so­cial me­dia posts her­ald­ed the news of Zep­bound’s FDA ap­proval in No­vem­ber and then again with its avail­abil­i­ty in phar­ma­cies ear­li­er this month. Add that to broad­er con­ver­sa­tions on so­cial me­dia in re­cent years about GLP-1s and weight loss, in­clud­ing off-la­bel use of type 2 di­a­betes treat­ment Moun­jaro, which is the same mol­e­cule as Zep­bound, and it’s not sur­pris­ing that the launch is in full swing.

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