How TikTok’s algorithm and audiences are finally convincing Big Pharma to join

Wel­come to Phar­ma­Tok, where Tik­Tok al­go­rithms, au­di­ences, en­gage­ment time and en­ter­tain­ment val­ue are draw­ing in heavy­weight phar­ma ad­ver­tis­ers like Ab­b­Vie and Pfiz­er.

Ad fore­cast­er WARC es­ti­mates phar­ma and health­care spend­ing will top $470 mil­lion this year and jump to more than $650 mil­lion in 2024. While that’s still just a frac­tion of the sec­tor’s to­tal dig­i­tal spend­ing fore­cast of more than $17 bil­lion this year, it’s al­so more than four times the $160 mil­lion spent by all sec­tors in 2021 in the ear­ly days of Tik­Tok ad­ver­tis­ing.

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