How to Make Blue Honey: Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide

Most of us had our first contact with mushrooms through Portobello or cremini mushrooms, which are delicious and versatile. It may have been a slight disappointment to find that psychedelic shrooms are different from these varieties in terms of taste and texture.

Throughout the years, psychonauts have discovered numerous ways to make their psilocybin mushrooms consumption more enjoyable to the taste buds. Another common topic in psychedelic communities is proper psilocybin mushroom storage, which is the key to ensuring consistent experiences over time from the same batch.

But how does blue honey fit into the equation?

What Is Blue Honey?

Blue honey is essentially honey infused with psilocybin mushrooms. It also a way to kill two birds with one stone, as it offers a long-term solution for storing your shrooms and preserving their psilocybin content almost indefinitely, and it is also delicious to boot. Continue reading as we’ll dive into the process of making it and give you some ideas on how to use it.

Why Do Psilocybin Mushrooms Turn Blue?

Before we proceed, we have to address the elephant in the room. Your honey will only turn blue if your mushrooms oxidize, which we want to avoid as much as possible to keep the psilocybin content intact. Therefore, don’t be surprised if your end product looks grey and yellow instead of blue.

Photo Credit u/PsychMaster1 Reddit

The blue bruising is caused by a an enzymatic reaction that breaks down psilocybin once it gets in contact with air. Therefore, magic mushrooms can take on a blue hue when picked, cut, or otherwise damaged. This is why it is important to avoid bruising them.

According to some research, the blue color is due to a cascade reaction. Unlike previous speculations that the blue tint is caused by a single molecule, it is in fact due to the combination of six separate molecules.

Research suggests that this is psilocybin mushrooms’ way to turn predators away. What they speculate is that these molecules can be toxic for insects that would prey on shrooms.

Benefits of Blue Honey

Here are the benefits of psychedelic honey:

  • Taste: Shroom honey eliminates the earthy taste of raw psilocybin mushrooms, making your consumption ritual more delicious.
  • Dosage: Blue honey makes dosing psilocybin easier. Once you know the dosage of your honey jar, all you need is to calculate the number of teaspoons to obtain the desired psychedelic effects.
  • Long-term storage: Blue honey can last almost indefinitely if stored properly because honey is a natural preservative.
  • Potency control: You can adjust the balance between mushrooms and honey which allows you to control the potency of your blend.

Step-By-Step Guide to Making Blue Honey

As you’ll see, making blue honey barely requires special equipment and only takes two ingredients. Given this simplicity, you must carry out each step carefully to ensure the best possible results.

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients and Equipment

What equipment you'll need to make blue honey (magic mushroom honey)

Making blue honey requires pure, high-quality honey and cracker-dry psychedelic mushrooms of any strain. You could consider patience the third ingredient since honey takes a few months to extract the psilocybin from the mushrooms.

Avoid getting your honey from the supermarket since most are cut with corn syrup or other artificial sweeteners. Instead, try going to a farmer’s market or get it directly from a beekeeper if you can.

What you’ll need:

  • Sterilized glass jars with airtight lids to shield your preparation from external bacteria
  • A gram scale to determine your mushroom-to-honey ratio
  • A coffee grinder to turn your shrooms into a fine powder that will easily integrate with the honey (optional)
  • High quality runny honey
  • Cracker dry psilocybin mushrooms

Step 2: Dry Your Mushrooms Thoroughly

Cracker-dry mushrooms snap when you apply light pressure to them. Although honey is a natural preservative, its moisture levels shouldn’t change too much after you mix in the shrooms. Otherwise, you’d be creating an optimal environment for bacterial growth.

Before you go any further, you must ensure your shrooms are dry and brittle. There are a few methods to do so, and we’ll quickly inform you of their pros and cons.

The different drying methods include:

  • Fan drying
  • Air drying
  • Oven drying
  • Dehydrator drying

Fan Drying

Fan drying requires a fan, as the name suggests. You must arrange your mushrooms on a surface that allows air to circulate and position a fan to blow air directly to them. As long as you periodically turn off the fan to prevent overheating, you’ll dry your mushrooms in no time without lowering their potency.

Air Drying

Air drying only requires arranging your mushrooms on a wire rack in a dry, dark room, but it’s also the most time-consuming method. An upside to it is that while it takes about a week to complete, it’s a relatively hands-off process.

Oven Drying

To dry your mushrooms in the oven, place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and put them in a low oven. As long as it can reach around 130°F, you will quickly dry your shrooms without burning them.

Dehydrator Drying

This method yields the best results, but it also requires an expensive dehydrator. If you happen to have one lying around, set it to 95°F and place your mushrooms inside without overcrowding the tray. You’ll get evenly dry shrooms in around 12 hours if done correctly.

Step 3: Prepare the Mixture

Step-By-Step Guide to Making Blue Honey: Add the ground shrooms to a glass, sterilized jar and mix it with the pure honey.

Add the ground shrooms to a glass, sterilized jar and mix it with the pure honey.

Now that your mushrooms are appropriately dry, let’s move on to the main event. For a potent but manageable blue honey, we’ll go with a ratio of one gram of psilocybin mushrooms for every ounce of honey.

You’ll need 16g of shrooms for 16oz of honey. This is where your gram scale comes into play, as it will save you the trouble of trying to eyeball the measurements.

Once you’ve measured your mushrooms, turn them into a fine powder with a coffee grinder if you have one, or chop them into the smallest pieces you can with a kitchen knife.

If your honey is liquid and runny, simply dump it into a sterilized glass jar along with your ground shrooms and give it a good mix with a honey stirrer. In case your honey is thick and doesn’t mix easily, heat it gently in a bowl over hot water until it liquefies. Once it’s runny, stir in the mushrooms and dump the mixture into your glass jar.

Step 4: Let It Infuse

Now that your blue honey jar is ready, it’s time to wait at least a month to let it infuse and give the honey time to extract as much psilocybin as possible. Ideally, you should wait at least three months for optimal results, so consider it a long-term investment.

Store the jar in a cool, dark place like the back of your pantry, and check it periodically. The mixture tends to separate, so you have to either flip your jar or open it and give it a good stir to keep it homogenous. 

Blue Honey Recipe Summary

Blue Honey Recipe Summary | Psychedelic honey


  1. 16 ounces of pure honey
  2. 16 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms


  1. Make sure your mushrooms are cracker-dry. If not, use one of the methods mentioned above.
  2. Once dried, measure them with a scale and grind them into a powder or finely chop them.
  3. Pour the honey into a sterilized glass jar and slowly stir in your mushroom powder until incorporated.
  4. Screw the jar’s lid on tight and store the mixture in a cool, dark place for at least a month or three months for optimal results.

How Long Should You Wait Before Consuming Psychedelic Honey?

The general consensus among psychonauts and psilonauts is that a longer waiting period will result in higher potency. Some recommend infusing the blue honey for at least one month before consumption, while others prefer to wait between three to six months to obtain maximum potency and eliminate any mushroom taste. Once you begin noticing a separation between the mixture, you can simply flip the jar to redistribute the psilocybin content evenly in the honey.

Since honey is a natural preservative, when stored correctly, shroom honey can last almost indefinitely.

How Strong Is Blue Honey?

The potency of your blue honey will depend on several factors, such as:

  • Psilocybin strain and species
  • Proper storage and handling

Certain strains on magic mushrooms such as Penis Envy and Enigma have a higher psilocybin potency. Penis envy strains’ average psilocybin content can vary between 0.96% to 1.36%, depending on the strain. Golden Teachers however, are excellent for beginners because they are less potent, with roughly 0.61% psilocybin. If you’re uncertain about which strain to pick, you can visit our list of the strongest Psilocybe cubensis strains.

As for storage, if you’ve just purchased a pack of dried mushrooms from a psychedelic dispensary, then their potency may be intact. However, if you have picked, dried, and stored your own shrooms, any exposure the heat and light may reduce their psilocybin content.

All in all, if you have properly estimated the amount of psychedelic mushrooms and honey used, it will be quite easy to estimate the strength of your blue honey.

As a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to always start with a small dose if you’re uncertain about the potency or if you’re a novice psychonaut. A high dose for the unprepared mind can potentially lead to anxiety and a ‘bad trip’. It is essential to be aware of the trip do’s and don’ts prior engaging in a psychedelic experience.

How Do You Consume Blue Honey?

If you have a sweet tooth, blue honey can make any treat into the vehicle for a psychedelic experience. You can have a trippy breakfast by spreading it on toast, put it on a charcuterie board for a psychedelic pairing to your cheeses, or use it as a sweetener for warm beverages.

If you want a more straightforward approach, then you can eat it with a spoonful, of course. However, despite its deliciousness, caution is essential. Each spoonful contains approximately 1.15 grams of mushroom powder, so most people should tap out after two or three tablespoons at most.

How Long Does Blue Honey Last?

Provided your mushrooms were properly dry before mixing, and the jar is properly stored, blue honey can last indefinitely in your pantry.

Honey is one of the only foods that doesn’t spoil due to its low moisture and pH, which hinders bacterial growth. Archaeologists have found edible honey in Egyptian tombs that had been buried for thousands of years.

It also blocks out air from reaching the mushrooms, which will completely halt their oxidation, keeping the psilocybin intact. Your blue honey will maintain its potency forever once it has finished infusing.

We believe we’ve made a compelling case for this delicious concoction, and hope that you’ll at least consider making your own batch at home. You won’t be disappointed.


How Much Blue Honey Should I Eat?

This depends on the intent behind consuming psilocybin mushrooms. Microdosing is a popular practice of taking a sub-perceptual dose of shrooms to reduce anxiety, increase focus and enhance flow states. Higher doses can be used therapeutically, as clinical trials and research suggest that the mystical experience and ego-dissolution achieved with high and heroic doses of psilocybin reduces depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health ailments.

Name Dose Effects
Microdose  0.1g – 0.5g Sub perceptual changes. No hallucinations Enhanced flow Sates. Potential to reduce anxiety, stress and focus
 Low dose/ Museum dose 0.5g – 1.5g More noticeable effects like light visuals, warm feelings, euphoria. However, you’ll still be able to perform cognitive tasks.
Moderate dose 2g to 3.5g More pronounced psychedelic effects such as, fractal, geometric visuals, introspective thoughts, synesthesia, disorientation, increased flow of ideas, amplification of emotions, increased yawning during come-up, difficulty with cognitive tasks, reality-altering hallucinations.
High dose 3.5g – 5g  Intense psychedelic trips that can induce mystical and spiritual experiences and ego dissolution, mystical experiences, meetings with otherworldly beings, time dissociation, difficulty with cognitive tasks, potential bad trips.
Reference table describing the psychedelic effects of dried shrooms.

How Long Does It Take to Make Blue Honey?

It depends on how potent you want the end result to be. The general consensus is that one should wait at least a month before consumption. For optimal psilocybin extraction and a deeper blue hue, you can wait up to six months before tasting the concoction.

Can I Add Other Ingredients to My Blue Honey?

Yes. You can add lemon or orange zest to your blue honey. Optionally, you can decide to add some ginger. However, this is an acquired taste and many psilonauts prefer the citrus-y approach.

How Do I Store Blue Honey?

You should store your blue honey in a cool, dry place. Provided the psilocybin mushrooms were properly dried, your psychedelic honey should last indefinitely.

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Disclaimer:  Psychedelic Spotlight does not condone the use of illegal substances. The purpose of this article is for educational and harm reduction purposes only. If you suffer from a medical or mental condition, please consult with your doctor before taking any substance.