Humira and Stelara continue to lead specialty drug spending, but newer drugs like Keytruda, Skyrizi are closing in — report

Spend­ing on spe­cial­ty drugs con­tin­ues to grow, dri­ven most­ly by more peo­ple us­ing them, but al­so by in­creas­ing prices.

Spe­cial­ty drug spend­ing jumped 14.1% year over year with 9.9% at­trib­uted to the num­ber of claims, but the re­main­ing 3.9% at­trib­uted to in­creased costs per claim, ac­cord­ing to Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Strate­gies Group’s sev­enth an­nu­al Artemetrx State of Spe­cial­ty Spend and Trend re­port.

While the in­creas­es are still caused by more claims and more peo­ple us­ing spe­cial­ty drugs, the per­cent­age at­trib­uted to the cost of the drugs grew more year over year.

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Claire Panosian Dunavan is a professor of medicine and infectious diseases at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a past-president of the

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