‘I think we will have the votes’: Sanders gears up to subpoena CEOs of J&J, Merck to testify on drug prices

WASH­ING­TON — Sen­ate HELP Com­mit­tee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to­day ex­pressed op­ti­mism that he has the votes nec­es­sary to sub­poe­na the CEOs of John­son & John­son and Mer­ck, pres­sur­ing the ex­ec­u­tives fur­ther to tes­ti­fy be­fore the com­mit­tee on drug pric­ing.

Sanders had orig­i­nal­ly called the CEOs of Mer­ck, J&J and Bris­tol My­ers Squibb, though BMS’ Chris Boern­er  is the on­ly CEO of the three to com­ply with the re­quest. The com­mit­tee will meet next Wednes­day to vote on whether to sub­poe­na the two oth­er com­pa­ny heads.

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