Iambic unveils new AI model besting AlphaFold as protein models rocket ahead

The sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion of Iambic Ther­a­peu­tics’ AI mod­el that pre­dicts the com­bined shape of pro­teins and small mol­e­cules out­per­forms Google Deep­Mind’s Al­phaFold, the San Diego biotech’s lead­ers told End­points News.

The claim comes in a new whitepa­per, along­side a Na­ture Ma­chine In­tel­li­gence pub­li­ca­tion with Nvidia and Cal­tech re­searchers about the first-gen ver­sion.

The field has grown in­creas­ing­ly crowd­ed, com­pet­i­tive and com­mer­cial­ly fo­cused since the Ju­ly 2021 pub­li­ca­tion of Al­phaFold. Be­yond Al­phaFold and Iambic’s mod­el, CHARM Ther­a­peu­tics launched in 2022 to de­vel­op Drag­on­Fold, a ri­val mod­el de­vel­oped by CEO Laksh Aithani and Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton’s David Bak­er. These tools have al­so at­tract­ed Big Phar­ma’s at­ten­tion, with Bris­tol My­ers Squibb part­ner­ing with CHARM and Eli Lil­ly and No­var­tis both sign­ing deals with Iso­mor­phic last month.

Endpoints News

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