Ideaya partners with Gilead; Lilly extends offer for Point; Theseus lets go of CEO, CMO

Ideaya and Gilead will study a po­ten­tial com­bo in blad­der can­cer. The South San Fran­cis­co-based com­pa­ny an­nounced Mon­day that it plans to test its MAT2A in­hibitor in com­bi­na­tion with Gilead’s Trodelvy in MTAP-dele­tion blad­der can­cer. Fi­nan­cial terms of the agree­ment were not dis­closed.

Eli Lil­ly ex­tend­ed its of­fer for Point Bio­phar­ma to Dec. 15. The ten­der of­fer was pre­vi­ous­ly set to ex­pire on Dec. 1. Lil­ly an­nounced plans to buy the ra­dio­phar­ma in Oc­to­ber for about $1.4 bil­lion.

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