While the exact causes of long COVID are not fully understood, ongoing research aims to better understand the underlying mechanisms and to develop effective treatments for those experiencing prolonged symptoms after a COVID-19 infection.
In this live discussion, physician-scientist and long COVID researcher Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, will examine new developments in long COVID research and share insights from his own findings. Join us!
- Jeremy Faust, MD, (moderator) editor-in-chief at MedPage Today (@jeremysamuelfaust)
- Ziyad Al-Aly, MD, chief of research and development at the VA St. Louis Health Care System, and clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis (@ziyadalaly)
How do I join? Follow @MedPage on Instagram!
When is the event? Tune in Wednesday, January 17 at 1 p.m. ET
Can I submit questions? Yes, we encourage questions! Submit your questions prior to the event by commenting below.
Related articles:
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Gillian Booth is a Social Media Manager for MedPage Today. She is based in Philadelphia. Interested in collaborating with @MedPageToday on social media? Email: gbooth@everydayhealthgroup.com Follow
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