Illumina and Guardant agree to dismiss litigation, share specimen samples after year-long legal battle

Af­ter throw­ing ac­cu­sa­tions of re­tal­i­a­tion and steal­ing trade se­crets in court, Il­lu­mi­na and di­ag­nos­tics com­pa­ny Guardant Health have come to a three-year agree­ment that in­cludes a re­quest to joint­ly dis­miss the lit­i­ga­tion with prej­u­dice and brings the two com­pa­nies to­geth­er again to share spec­i­men sam­ples for can­cer re­search, Guardant said in a state­ment Tues­day.

The agree­ment in­cludes the dis­missal of al­le­ga­tions of any­thing to do with in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty, which is how the law­suit be­gan when Il­lu­mi­na filed a com­plaint against Helmy El­toukhy and Ami­rAli Ta­lasaz, two ex-staffers who found­ed Guardant. In the 2022 law­suit, Il­lu­mi­na al­leged that the pair stole com­pa­ny trade se­crets and used Il­lu­mi­na equip­ment, com­put­ers and email to launch Guardant.

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