Illumina CFO says there’s outside interest in Grail as ‘outright sale’ explored

Il­lu­mi­na has re­ceived out­side in­ter­est in buy­ing or in­vest­ing in Grail, ac­cord­ing to com­ments that Il­lu­mi­na’s chief fi­nan­cial of­fi­cer made Tues­day at an in­vestor event, in the first sign that a po­ten­tial suit­or has emerged.

CFO Joy­deep Goswa­mi told Ever­core an­a­lysts that Il­lu­mi­na re­ceived “in­bound in­ter­est” in Grail be­fore the Eu­ro­pean Union or­dered that Grail be di­vest­ed. Il­lu­mi­na plans to file a Form 10 by the end of the year that al­lows the com­pa­ny to en­gage with out­side par­ties, which could in­clude an “out­right sale,” he added.

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