Immunotherapy during surgery? Surge Therapeutics nabs $32M to expand clinical plans after first dosing

Weeks ago, Surge Ther­a­peu­tics marked what CEO Michael Gold­berg hopes will go down in his­to­ry as a turn­ing point in can­cer care: the first time a pa­tient re­ceived an im­munother­a­py, in the form of a hy­dro­gel, at the site of their tu­mor dur­ing surgery.

Now, the Cam­bridge, MA-based biotech has raised $32 mil­lion in a Se­ries B to fund that tri­al while bring­ing to the clin­ic two more can­di­dates with the same ap­proach, which it calls in­tra­op­er­a­tive im­munother­a­py.

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