Immunovant’s $450M; Oncopeptides reassesses Pepaxti strategy in Europe; Akebia resubmits kidney drug

Im­muno­vant goes for $450M: Im­muno­vant’s ear­ly-stage au­toim­mune da­ta will lead to a $450 mil­lion haul for the New York biotech, about $150 mil­lion more than ini­tial­ly an­nounced on Tues­day. Im­muno­vant said Wednes­day it plans to sell 7.37 mil­lion shares $IMVT at $38 apiece in a pub­lic of­fer­ing and sell an­oth­er 4.47 mil­lion to its par­ent, Roivant Sci­ences. The ear­ly clin­i­cal da­ta for Im­muno­vant’s an­ti-FcRn IMVT-1402 sent the com­pa­ny’s shares soar­ing on Tues­day and al­so boost­ed Roivant’s stock price. — Kyle LaHu­cik

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