Immunovant’s plans for autoimmune asset; Wall Street worries about Moderna’s RSV candidate 

Plus, news about No­vo Hold­ings, Grit­stone Bio, In­vivyd and Sci­ence 37:

Im­muno­vant out­lines big plans for its au­toim­mune pro­gram: The biotech now ex­pects to launch four to five “po­ten­tial­ly reg­is­tra­tional” tri­als for IMVT-1402 by March 2025 and stud­ies in up to 10 in­di­ca­tions by March 2026. Im­muno­vant tout­ed the as­set’s “best-in-class” po­ten­tial af­ter a Phase I study in healthy vol­un­teers read out pos­i­tive­ly last No­vem­ber. — Max Gel­man

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