Immutep touts mid-stage data for LAG-3 drug in first-line NSCLC, finalizing plans for PhIII test: #ESMO23

MADRID — Im­mutep un­veiled ad­di­tion­al da­ta at ES­MO from a Phase II tri­al study­ing a LAG-3 drug de­signed to help cer­tain non-small cell lung can­cer pa­tients po­ten­tial­ly do away with chemother­a­py.

The biotech is fi­nal­iz­ing plans for a Phase III tri­al for the first half of 2024 based on these re­sults and af­ter rais­ing $53 mil­lion in June. The Phase II TAC­TI-002 study com­bines efti­lag­i­mod al­pha — efti for short — with Mer­ck’s Keytru­da in first-line un­re­sectable or metasta­t­ic NSCLC.

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