Impel considers strategic alternatives, takes out $2.5M loan to continue operating

Im­pel Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is now con­sid­er­ing strate­gic al­ter­na­tives for its fu­ture, in­clud­ing sell­ing the com­pa­ny as a whole or merg­ing with an­oth­er com­pa­ny, months af­ter ad­mit­ting dwin­dling cash re­serves and that it was con­sid­er­ing bank­rupt­cy.

Im­pel said Thurs­day that the goal is to com­plete any trans­ac­tions by the be­gin­ning of next year. If the com­pa­ny can’t find a so­lu­tion, “it may be nec­es­sary to seek ad­di­tion­al fi­nanc­ing or oth­er al­ter­na­tives for re­struc­tur­ing and re­solv­ing its li­a­bil­i­ties.”

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