In early look at ASH abstracts, BeiGene touts Brukinsa data, Cellectis compares in-house CAR-T to CDMO CAR-T

The non-late break­ing ab­stracts for next month’s Amer­i­can So­ci­ety of Hema­tol­ogy meet­ing were re­leased on Thurs­day, giv­ing a peek in­to what will be some of the most heav­i­ly scru­ti­nized da­ta in San Diego in ear­ly De­cem­ber.

Be­low are a hand­ful of the most no­table:

Brukin­sa still out­per­form­ing Im­bru­vi­ca in CLL: BeiGene nabbed FDA ap­proval for Brukin­sa in re­lapsed/re­frac­to­ry chron­ic lym­pho­cyt­ic leukemia in Jan­u­ary, and the com­pa­ny plans to show off how its drug con­tin­ues to main­tain deep­er re­spons­es than Ab­b­Vie and John­son & John­son’s Im­bru­vi­ca over longer pe­ri­ods of time. At three years of fol­low-up, pro­gres­sion-free sur­vival rates were 65.8% for Brukin­sa and 54.3% for Im­bru­vi­ca, and over­all sur­vival rates were 82.6% (Brukin­sa) and 79.7% (Im­bru­vi­ca). Haz­ard ra­tios for PFS and OS, re­spec­tive­ly, were 0.67 and 0.76. All fig­ures re­main con­sis­tent with what BeiGene pre­sent­ed at ASH last year.

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