Incyte advances its Opzelura eczema campaign with a ‘reimagine’ theme  

In­cyte’s newest cam­paign for Opzelu­ra (rux­oli­tinib) en­cour­ages itchy pa­tients to “Reimag­ine Re­lief” as it works to carve out a niche in the crowd­ed eczema treat­ment cat­e­go­ry.

That niche? It’s a top­i­cal, steroid-free op­tion for pa­tients who don’t like nee­dles in a cat­e­go­ry rife with typ­i­cal­ly first-rec­om­mend­ed top­i­cal cor­ti­cos­teroids. It ap­peals to peo­ple hes­i­tant to take an oral sys­temic bi­o­log­ic.

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