Independent pharma and healthcare ad agency The Bloc takes its business around the world

The Bloc is tak­ing its award-win­ning phar­ma and health­care cre­ativ­i­ty glob­al with the ad­di­tion of shops in Ger­many, Italy and Switzer­land an­nounced this week.

Along with the first ac­qui­si­tions in its 23-year his­to­ry, the pri­vate­ly-held US-based agency is al­so bulk­ing up ex­per­tise in ar­eas such as med­ical com­mu­ni­ca­tions, mar­ket ac­cess and pay­er ca­pa­bil­i­ties. The new agen­cies are The Bloc in Ger­many, cre­at­ed through a joint ven­ture with Ser­vi­ce­plan Group, and ac­qui­si­tions of the­newway in Mi­lan, and X-ray in Switzer­land.

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