Industry speaks out against ICER’s suggested updates to assessment framework

Drug­mak­ers and in­dus­try groups have crit­i­cized the In­sti­tute for Clin­i­cal and Eco­nom­ic Re­view af­ter the cost-ef­fec­tive­ness watch­dog said it may con­sid­er low­er­ing the thresh­old for how it con­sid­ers how cost-ef­fec­tive a drug is in the fu­ture.

ICER last month an­nounced pro­posed changes to the way the or­ga­ni­za­tion de­ter­mines the val­ue of a drug as part of a broad­er ex­am­i­na­tion of its val­ue as­sess­ment frame­work. It said it may low­er its thresh­old range on cost ef­fec­tive­ness to $50,000 to $100,000 a year, down from $100,000 to $150,000 a year, cit­ing a study pub­lished in the An­nals of In­ter­nal Med­i­cine in 2021.

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