Innate ends Ph1b in peripheral T cell lymphoma; Layoffs at NextCure

Plus, news about Evom­mune, Maruho and Nous­com:

In­nate Phar­ma gives up on Phase 1b tri­al for can­cer drug: The com­pa­ny was eval­u­at­ing la­cu­tam­ab as a monother­a­py in KIR3DL2-ex­press­ing re­frac­to­ry/re­laps­ing pe­riph­er­al T cell lym­phoma. In­nate said it’s not plan­ning to restart re­cruit­ment in the tri­al af­ter a clin­i­cal hold was put in­to place for stud­ies as­sess­ing the drug in PT­CL and cu­ta­neous T cell lym­phoma af­ter a pa­tient death was re­port­ed in the lat­ter. It cit­ed a lack of “mean­ing­ful clin­i­cal ac­tiv­i­ty” for la­cu­tam­ab in the PT­CL study eval­u­at­ing the drug as a monother­a­py. It is still be­ing stud­ied in com­bi­na­tion with chemo in a Phase 2 tri­al in PT­CL. — Kather­ine Lewin

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