Intas to pay €42M upfront in Henlius deal; Kymera gets $40M milestone; Pluvicto no longer in short supply

Plus, news from Vi­core, El­e­vate Bio, Monte Rosa Ther­a­peu­tics and An­gi­tia:

In­tas, Hen­lius ink an­oth­er deal: In­tas said Fri­day it plans to pay €42 mil­lion up­front to li­cense Shang­hai Hen­lius Biotech’s an­ti-PD-1 mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body in Eu­rope and In­dia for spe­cif­ic in­di­ca­tions. The terms al­so in­clude up to €43 mil­lion in reg­u­la­to­ry mile­stones and up to €100 mil­lion in sales mile­stones, plus roy­al­ties. The com­pa­nies ex­pect ser­plulimab to gain ap­proval in small cell lung can­cer in Eu­rope in the first half of next year. The com­pa­nies are al­ready en­gaged in sev­er­al agree­ments, in­clud­ing one set up in 2018 be­tween Hen­lius and Ac­cord Health­care, an In­tas sub­sidiary. — Jaimy Lee

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