Intellia exits hemophilia B pact with Regeneron; Sangamo targets $24M raise

Plus, news about OKYO Phar­ma:

In­tel­lia de­parts Re­gen­eron deal: The CRISPR biotech dis­closed Fri­day that it had opt­ed out of a part­ner­ship with Re­gen­eron to de­vel­op a fac­tor IX gene edit­ing ther­a­py. The part­ners had penned the deal in 2020, which made In­tel­lia re­spon­si­ble for 35% of de­vel­op­ment costs in ex­change for 35% of prof­its.

Re­gen­eron in Feb­ru­ary an­nounced that the FDA had cleared the gene in­ser­tion pro­gram to be test­ed in a clin­i­cal tri­al for peo­ple with he­mo­phil­ia B, which is slat­ed to be­gin in mid-2024. Re­gen­eron can still de­vel­op a CRISPR-based fac­tor IX ther­a­py un­der an ear­li­er li­cens­ing agree­ment, the biotech not­ed in its SEC fil­ing, mak­ing In­tel­lia el­i­gi­ble for up to $320 mil­lion in fu­ture mile­stones. In­tel­lia still has 35% stake in a fac­tor XI­II in­ser­tion pro­gram for he­mo­phil­ia A.

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