Interim no more: Ashley Magargee to fill Genentech CEO post; Pfizer, Moderna make commercial leadership adjustments

Ash­ley Ma­g­a­rgee will be­come the CEO of Genen­tech on Jan. 1, two decades in­to her tenure at the South San Fran­cis­co biotech pi­o­neer, which she joined pri­or to its $47 bil­lion deal with now-par­ent Roche.

She’s held the in­ter­im post since Nov. 1, when Alexan­der Hardy left in a sur­prise move to take the same post at Bio­Marin. Ma­g­a­rgee will re­port to the CEO of Roche Phar­ma, Tere­sa Gra­ham, who her­self worked up the cor­po­rate lad­der of Genen­tech and Roche on a sim­i­lar timetable and be­came the leader of its phar­ma busi­ness in March 2023.

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